Any business that can’t process payments online is missing out on a huge customer base. A secure payment gateway allows you to list merchandise or services online and automatically process credit cards, debit cards or other forms of payment. While online business has always been vulnerable to fraud, modern payment processing services include security measures that verify each credit card number and intercept potential criminal attempts before a transaction takes place. Flagship Merchant Services has everything from merchant accounts to customized web stores. Intuit Merchant Services provides a handful of credit card processing solutions ideal for web and traditional business models. If you’re already online but need to implement a credit card payment gateway, Authorize.Net is the leader.

Payment Gateways: What to Look For

Not every merchant payment gateway solution is ideal for every type of business. On our site, you’ll find reviews and comparisons of leading payment processing gateway providers designed with eCommerce in mind. We also serve up articles on eCommerce payment gateways to help you determine which is best for you. If you operate a physical store and an online storefront, many of our top picks can take care of both. To determine the leading payment gateway services, we evaluated each according to the following criteria and included them in our payment gateway comparison chart above:

Gateway Features

Superior payment gateway providers authorize and transmit credit card numbers quickly and reliably without charging usurious discount rates or transaction fees. We gave good scores to companies that allow merchants to process Visa, MasterCard, Discover, debit cards and other typical forms of payment at fair rates. Authorizing credit cards should happen in the background, leaving you free to address the logistics of day-to-day business. The best services integrate smoothly with merchant accounts, security requirements and banking procedures.

eCommerce and Site Integration

The best services integrate smoothly with typical shopping cart software. Some services offer the assistance of programmers and IT specialists to get you set up. An effective merchant account payment gateway allows you to quickly configure automated billing and other value-added services.

Merchant Account Features

Keeping tabs on customer information and transactions is just as important as generating new leads. Good software will cooperate with accounting tools such as Excel and QuickBooks. A merchant needs easy access to transaction records, deposits and charge backs. A good merchant account services address these needs.


Configuration, implementation and maintenance of a pay wall, web store or shopping cart can be a challenge for even the most IT-savvy businessperson. A solid and easy-to-contact support network is a necessity so that you are not left in the lurch.

Ease of Use
We prefer internet payment gateway providers that design services with end users in mind. A virtual terminal, API or all-in-one package shouldn’t take a rocket scientist to implement.

If you still don’t have an onlinepayment gateway, you’re doing business in the past. From getting set up with a merchant account to automating deposits and recurring billing, online payment processing is what’s happening in today’s fast-paced and competitive business environment.